2022 Scholarship Recipients

 Back (l-r) Kaylee Huber, Bailey DeBerry, Alexis Sherman, Drew Thomas, Jake Kotchman, Ethan Fike, Kolby Kent, Arabella Colditz 

Front (l-r) Miranda Dranzo, McKenzie Zimcosky, Gianna Grillo, Tayla Pascoe, Gianna O'Brien, McKenna Hewitt, Christine Goodwin, Emma Carpenter

Carpenter Emma Classes of the 60's
Colditz Arabella Class of 1976
Deberry Bailey Carolyn King-Kash Memorial
    Lori Confer-Martin Creative/Performing Arts 
Dranzo Miranda Col. Drew Bryner Memorial
    West Brownsville American Legion Auxillary Unit 940
Fike Ethan Richard Niccolai Memorial
Goodwin Christine Class of 1971
    Patricia O'Neil-Wilson
Grillo Gianna Richard Niccolai Memorial
Hewitt McKenna MacFann Family
    Frosty Frolic Community Service
Huber Kaylee B&B STEM
Kent Kolby Richard M. and Barbara M. Webb
Kotchman Jacob Class of 1984 Memorial
O'Brien Gianna MacFann Family
    Daisytown Athletic Club
Pascoe Tayla California Area School District Foundation
Sherman Alexis B&B STEM
Thomas Drew Daisytown Athletic Club
Zimcosky McKenzie CALSDF Career and Technical